Using Zero Tolerance to Dismiss Quebec Politicians for Bullying

Zero tolerance was developed to stop gangs from bullying people, but until it is used to dismiss Politicians; Quebecers will continue to suffer worse bullying from them than their countrymen.

These Politicians employ untold police bodies to restrict these people’s rights, where their countrymen are not forced to obey hordes of these offensive authorities.


  • Language cops that penalize businesses if they hire people that just speak English;
  • Education police that forbid schools to teach crucial subjects in this language;
  • Medical officers that force victims to pay for warrants, to make them stop leaving harmful doctors free to operate;
  • Enforcement set to charge folks for wearing religious articles to work;
  • Marijuana authorities that punish them for growing this legal grass in their gardens.

Naturally, these people are fearful that these Officials may eventually employ enough police to force them to separate, and turn them into homeless refugees if they want to remain under democratic leadership.

Supposedly, this Zero tolerance can be used to save these citizens from these bullies; if follow-up articles show that enough agree they are disobeying these rules.

So, the following can be submitted to help fire these Politicians for retaining these unjust police; since it must show where they are disobeying this zero tolerance.

Dismissing Officials that Employ Abusive Authorities
So, please leave your thoughts to help stop wasting taxes on retaining these high-ranking offenders.
Considering so called "court gaggings" force hoards to remain unknown, to avoid punishment for speeking freely about the abusive treatment they received.


Dismissing Officials that Enforce Undemocratic Rules
So please leave your thoughts to help stop wasting taxes on retaining these offensive Politicians.