Best Not to Overly Worry about What others May Think

Often worrying about what others may think can cause harmful stress, so it is something that is best kept under control.

Although you are in control of how you deal with dreadful issues, quitting discussions about them does not get them under control.

Worrying about what others may think is also a waste of time, because their perceptions are beyond your control.

And, although quitting talks about dreadful issues may save some pain; it leaves them unresolved and nearly impossible to get under control.

I cannot worry abut what others may think, as I need to save this time for the contemplation required to counteract life’s agonies.

Sadly, discussions between us ended after my request that you stop worrying about my inabilities; to see all that was done to keep the family safe.

I learned from raising children that immeasurable help is needed to keep loved ones safe, and:

  • It is hard to save time for this required contemplation, to counteract the agony from losing crucial help;
  • It is impossible to find enough time to pray for the patience required, to repeat critical warnings until they stop falling on deaf ears.

World attempts to keep recurring battles under control might be more successful, if fewer quit discussions to resolve them just to save themselves some pain.

I try to find time for these required prayers for endless patience, to help me remain in agonizing discussions with loved ones.

When I find it, I beg for the courage to change the things I can; which is praying that I can withstand the pain of trying to keep life’s cruelties under control.

Your Loving Sibling