Trudeau Slanderes Convoy Supporters As Terrorists – And Biden Acts Deliberately Vague …

Trudeau’s Embarrassing Trip to Great Brittan …

Tamara Lich Decision Overturned – Released on Bail

From Facebook to Smollett – Viva in the Morning

The West’s response to Russia & Ukraine FINALLY makes sense

Breaking down the Russian invasion’s last 12 hours with Bill Hemmer

Gen. Jack Keane reveals how the US can still help Ukraine

Vaccine trial whistle blower …

Fire breaks out at Europe’s largest nuclear power plant during Russian siege

Jesse Watters: These are the actions of a terrorist

Ukraine Invasion: Putin says the ‘worst is yet to come’

It’s Official: They Lied

In the Words of Barry MacKillop, Deputy Director of Financial Transactions etc. (FINTRAC) –

“The money the organizers managed to raise was not only Not “cash that funded terrorism or was in any way money laundering” – it was simply a way for people living in what they thought was a democratic country believing was a safe way of expressing their position on an issue” …

Some say roughly 100,00 supporters donated about $10 Million under the belief they lived in a Democracy.  Some say way more than this amount was donated.

“MacKillop also said that these acts of support happened before Canada outlawed them”, so Trudeau’s backers may be charged for leaving some of these accounts frozen once their Emergency oppression was defeated.


Tamara Lich Bail Hearing & She’s STILL DETAINED – Viva Frei …

DeSantis Defiantly Says No to Biden’s Request, Will This Backfire? | Rubin Report …

Brian Peckford explains the immense power that the Prime Minister’s Office wields today!

Ottawa Trucker Protest an “Illegal Occupation”? Not According to the Court! Viva Frei …

The Honourable Brian Peckford explains why lawyers won’t take cases challenging pandemic policies

Fauci Appears Desperate as He Warns About Democrats Lifting Mask Mandates | Rubin Report

The following link leads to similar news on these matters at this time …