How We Will Love You

We will not show our love by making it easy for you to self destruct.
We will love you in a way to make this death wish hard to accomplish.

We will take away your freedom to drown in cocktails of harmful prescriptions, as this is the only way to make sure medics are available to save you; during the deadly withdrawal process from these toxic drugs (DT’s for short).

This is how we will love you. Continued …

Now today we wait to hear the results of your meeting with your delinquent psychiatrist.

No doubt he continues to ignore your family’s warnings that you are threatening to end your life, and made it easy for you to keep refilling your deadly cocktails by renewing his prescriptions; with no care that your blood tests show you are slowly poisoning yourself by constantly mixing these drugs with liquor.

Apparently, “Medical authorities” must be asked to remove this harmful psychiatrist from your case, if we want to stop your suicidal behavior that is developing while under his care.

Unfortunately, there are no medical facilities available to supervise your withdrawal from his lethal prescriptions.

So, this doctor will have to remain as your drug pusher until these medical facilities are available, if we do not want to face worse developments from unsupervised Detox.

Basically, we can not cut off your access to his lethal drugs because of these unavailable medical services, as it could kill you.

Gravely, we cannot get a psychologist’s help to slowly withdraw you from these drugs and alcohol; because just the thought of seeing one drives you to more deadly drinking.

Worse, we cannot get you to join a support group that helps people battle similar dreadful issues; because just the thought of joining one drives you to more similar self destruction.

Much worse, you will not let us support each other in our fear for your life. You quit talking to the ones that discuss it, because you do not see how it helps relieve the pain from dealing with it.  

Truly, I wish us luck where this crisis is concerned; as it is mostly my belief in miracles that helps me withstand it.

Continued, where miracles are not yet happening …

Now today I am one of those that you quit talking to, because I discuss this fear for your life.

Sadly, this leaves the little help you can tolerate, with even less support to deal with this crisis.

If you knew how to be a friend, then you would let them discuss this fear; whether you see how it relieves their suffering or not. So, I remember warnings from supporting survivors:

“When self destructive friends cause you unnecessary pain, then it is best to let them go; because it’s better to spend your time helping those that are not so harmful.

Do not mourn the loss of anyone that acts habitually mean (even family members), just thank those that help control your self medicating to deaden the pain from it.

If you are privileged to have a psychologist or friends that help in times of crisis, then remember to thank them for their support.”

Continued, where miracles are still not happening …

When you called today and implied I was acting meanly, I explained that I would not remain your friend if you did not apologize for hanging up on me; and understand that talking about this fear for your life helps relieve the pain from dealing with it.  

Feel free to leave your thoughts, if you want to continue discussions:

Still, please stay mindful of social dictates as internet police do not let volatile content pass without notice.
Thanks to Hubsview for funding psychological services for SOAA (Survivors of Abusive Authorities).


You may find yourself believing that if you become a listener, then the teachers will come.

You may find yourself returning to a speaker as time passes on.

You may wish you were less close minded because of the company that comes with it.

You may discover it’s your choice and change things, if there is a good reason for it.


Liberal Conservatives announced that they are changing their symbol from the donkey to a condom because it more accurately reflects the Party’s political stance.

A condom allows for inflation, halts production, destroys the next generation, protects a bunch of dicks, and gives you a sense of security while you’re actually being screwed

Thanks to our Street Support for Voter for passing on this one.

About The Meek Not Wanting to Inherit the Earth

We understand, considering what it takes to get harmful doctors, lawyers, and Politicians under control.


We just found out too late that they were things we should not have hoped for.

We managed to change our mates to be more like us, only to find out how bad it was to live with ourselves.

We prayed for Knights in shining armour to save us, only to discover that their cores were rotten from wearing the chains for too long.

We are cautious about what we wish for now. We beg for bad to pass quickly because there is no way to keep it from arriving.

We pray for good to remain for as long as it can, because there is no way to stop it from moving on.

We try to lesson family sorrows while these painful transitions never cease.

You Will Know You are Recovering,

When you start laughing at the torment that once brought you to your knees.

And, find few with you in this happier place because they fear to even speak about their torment.