Revoking Parliamentary Benefits for Threatening to Increase Taxes and Simultaneously Sell Utilities

Politicians act like they do not know how to balance a budget when they threaten to raise taxes and sell public companies at the same time, like hydro utilities or medical facilities.

They should know that the heaping amounts made from selling these businesses, will eliminate the need for additional taxes for untold years; as in the heaps that will pile up from:

  • The mega prices that will be paid for the outlets and supplies included in the sales;
  • The infinite taxes that will be seized from the buyer’s future revenue;
  • The endless taxes that will be saved from never again having to pay the staff that provided the services;
  • The further endless tax savings from not having to upkeep the buildings that housed the facilities.

They act callously when they also ignore the improved services that will come from selling these companies, mainly because:

  • Private businesses cannot get away with subjecting people to offensive staff, since the zero tolerance laws against bullying were passed;
  • Non-public employees can be fired for disregarding their jobs, as monitoring systems are used to ensure their work is responsibly completed.

Officials that increase taxes for health care while they cut these services, can be penalized for hindering people from meeting the costs to replace this vital care.

They act reprehensibly when they disregard the soaring taxes that are spent to pay off lawsuits against harmful medical treatment; when:

  • Selling these facilities will stop these taxes from soaring out of control, as a result of these cuts in care;
  • Private businesses revoke the operating privileges of harmful doctors, to avoid bankruptcy from paying off lawsuits against them.

People should only have to pay one medical insurance bill and be allowed to opt out of Health care, if they are forced to pay for private medical insurance to replace this vital care.

Representatives act offensively when they claim further taxes must be seized to balance the budget, but will not show what heaping amounts they are grabbing:

  • To cover the escalating costs for their Parliamentary benefits;
  • To compensate for the rampant theft of these taxes.

Help revoke the Parliamentary retirements of Officials that threaten to increase taxes any further, if they allowed increases in these benefits while cuts in public services took place; by submitting the form below.

Articles like this originated to support Canadian families that want to stop wasting taxes, on keeping these threatening Politicians in Parliamentary lifestyles.

Revoking Parliamentary Retirements for Overtaxing People
So please leave your thoughts to help stop wasting taxes on these negligent Politicians.
Where sharing Media is preferred to help stop uncivil treatment, instead of facing increasing terror in rallies to demonstrate against it.

The following forms are also provided to help stop similar offensive treatment:

Issue Grievances against Mistreatment
Officials can be fired for mistreating people, if enough folks show they agree with dismissing them for it.
Since hoards must remain unknown because of so called "court gaggings" that leave them facing charges, if they speak freely about the abusive treatment they received.
Backup Support for Voters
So please leave a few thoughts to help stop wasting taxes on retaining these offensive Politicians.
Since it takes a village to stop their mistreatment, which includes producing forms that show enough taxpayers want to fire these offenders.
Street Support for Increased Savings to Individuals
Payments should not be combined for any Street Support, until these groups are ready to pay taxes on increased savings.
It helps to report separate activities in this business as, Street Support for “the different names of the negligent Companies or agents involved".
Using Ballot Routines to Dismiss Offensive Politicians
So please leave your thoughts to help get rid of these high-ranking offenders, until these ballot routines are available to help dismiss them.
Where sharing media is preferred to help stop uncivil treatment, instead of facing increasing terror in rallies to demonstrate against it.
Outlawing "Court Gaggings" that Take Away Freedom of Speech
So please leave your thoughts to help stop wasting taxes, on keeping these unlawful court appointees.
Enter "" if forced to remain anonymous, by so called "court gaggings" or similar restrictions.
Permitting Penal Systems to Charge Civil Servants
Where sharing media is preferred to help stop uncivil treatment, instead of facing increasing terror in rallies to demonstrate against it.
Using Complaint Systems Against Politicians
Please leave your thoughs to help stop wasting taxes on retaining these uncivil Officials.
Since it takes a village to stop their misconduct, which includes producing forms that show enough folks want to fire them for it.
Help Discharge Public Employees for Grand Theft
Please leave your thoughts to help stop wasting taxes on retaining these abusive employees, since they can be fired if enough folks show they agree with dismissing them for it.
Where sharing Media is preferred to help stop uncivil treatment, instead of facing increasing terror in rallies to demonstrate against it.

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