Help Charge Politicians for Breaking Election Promises

Officials feel free to make as many promises as they like to get elected and not worry about breaking them, because they make sure Justice systems are not equipped to punish them for doing it.

They mostly pass laws to please the companies that supported their candidacy, and keep voting routines from being provided so they can get away with it.

Unfortunately, violence usually erupts where people lose faith in the Justice system; with Politicians invoking police states and outlawing folks that try to stop their bullying.


Voter’s could gather a volunteer party that agree to carry out the following, if ever elected:

• Cut salaries of Officials by 25% and direct this income to Welfare services. This agreement would show they are not in it for the money, as they say; “The less money hanging around, the less crooks hanging around it.”;
• Pass laws that ensure Representatives are fired as well as lose their parliamentary retirements, if they break their election promises.

This party could provide voting routines to:

• Stop Ministers from passing laws that are not acceptable to most affected by the regulations;
• Revoke laws that were passed to please certain companies and disagreeable to most affected by the changes.

In hopes that most welcome changes like this to get control of Politicians, the following can be submitted to help in the matter:

Penalizing Politicians for Breaking Election Promises
So please leave your thoughts to help stop wasting taxes on these undeserved retirement packages.

The following can also be submitted to help in more ways:

Backup Support for Voters
So please leave a few thoughts to help stop wasting taxes on retaining these offensive Politicians.
Since it takes a village to stop their mistreatment, which includes producing forms that show enough taxpayers want to fire these offenders.