After a summer of grueling attempts to grow corn and become somewhat independent; it’s possible that humans cannot return to self sustainability as easily as many believe. Surely these climate enthusiasts would want to grow their own food to sustain themselves, right? But, farming may be as difficult to them as starting podcasts to others.
I Went to the World Economic Forum as a Spy —THIS is What Scared Me The Most | #16 – YouTube
“Hearings begin to combat interference in Canadian elections by the Chinese communist regime, as it appears Trudeau and several Cabinet members ignored Intelligence briefings on it for 10 months now. The Intelligence briefings include corrupting political financing laws by funding a network of candidates through Chinese communist intermediaries, placing agents in MP offices to influence policy, spreading disinformation specifically targeted at conservative candidates, and directing funds through the Toronto Chinese consulate to support their close ties with the city’s school board.”

”Short but informative on developments within the International Crimes Investigative Committee, and their intentions to continue helping people affected by the Elite’s “plandemic” crimes against humanity …”

Embalmers exposing the blood clots from the Jab “(Documentary: Died Suddenly) “…””

Excess deaths, lack of data – Dr. John Campbell …
“We need an open public debate about what is causing these world wide excess deaths, where we consider all possible factors, identify the lethal ones, take them away, and stop people from dying.
We follow the evidence wherever it leads. Might it take us somewhere we wouldn’t like to be? Yes it may. Might it take us to some uncomfortable truths? Ya it might do. Might it lead us to question assumptions that we’ve accepted all our lives? Might we have to change some of our fundamental beliefs? Might we have to question some fundamental authorities that we believed we could rely on, that we believed had our best interests at heart? Ya We might do. We follow the evidence wherever it leads, because if we don’t then we’re not living in reality.“

“In July deaths were 16.2% above the historical average. There were 22.5% fewer deaths due to covid in August than July. Heart disease is among the most prominent diseases involved in the high numbers of excess deaths since the start of the pandemic …”

(8) Excess deaths, lack of data – YouTube

“A Florida physician cites an increase in miscarriage rates by around 50%, as well as increases in abnormal pap smears and cervical malignancies by close to 25% since the vaccine rollout. Authorities negligently overlook clinics that are harmfully misleading the public with claims that “the vaccine itself is inactivated so it shouldn’t cause any detrimental effects to pregnancy”. Adverse Events Reporting shows a total of 4113 foetal deaths of which 3209 were reported against the Pfizer injection as of April 2022.“

“A small team of DEDICATED people gathered EVIDENCE that the centre was NOT providing full INFORMED CONSENT. The lies given to the patient are causing catastrophic harm and injury to those who feel they are receiving an informed choice. The majority of information that they gave to one of our team was FALSE and when the POLICE arrived they would NOT even LOOK at it.”
Mislav Kolakusic MEP 🇭🇷🇪🇺-The purchase of 4.5 billion doses of the covid-19 vaccine …
“Mrs. Von Der Leyen, president of the European Commission, known as Mrs. 4.5 billion doses. Today, 10 of us MEPs asked her when will she present to us, the members of the European Parliament, the communication she had with Pfizer during the procurement of 4.5 billion doses of vaccines at a time when there was absolutely no proof of the effectiveness, and especially not of the harmfulness of that product.
Imagine, 4.5 billion doses for 450 million people. Based on that calculation each child and newly born should receive then doses of something that no one in the world except maybe two or three people, knows what it contains. They approved that pharmaceutical product, just based on the statements of the pharmaceutical companies.
The procurement of 4.5 billion products with the intention of injecting them into people, without anyone knowing what is inside, is surely the biggest corruption affair in the history of mankind.”

(39) Mislav Kolakusic MEP 🇭🇷🇪🇺-The purchase of 4.5 billion doses of the covid-19 vaccine … – YouTube
“Like other Regulatory Health Agencies in the world, the Ministry of Health in Israeli is actively hiding critical information about the side effects of the vaccine from the Israeli public. Moreover, the Ministry did not monitor these side effects in a very appropriate way; considering they had a dysfunctional system to monitor any adverse advents for the first year. Pfizer’s agreement with Israeli made the country a world wide lab, where it reported to the FDA for example about Booster outcomes. Pharma falsely claimed these side effects were rare and did not last long, when they can last for many months and for over a year; and when reporting rates were much higher than portrayed by this dysfunctional system. This Ministry is not admitting to these errors, but given the extent of them it is hard to believe they are innocent. Finally causal relationship to the vaccine proven where a 1st dose caused certain reactions, and the 2nd dose caused a return of these reactions.”

“It’s evident these boosters are not lowering people’s risk of dying from covid, given 58% of coronavirus deaths in August were people who were vaccinated; which was up from 23% in September 2021.
It’s negligent to claim these boosters protect against hospitalizations and deaths from covid, when it’s this evident they are not lowering people’s risk of dying from it”
WTF: Vaccinated Are Now The Majority of COVID Deaths – Dronetek …
“58% of coronavirus deaths in August were people who were vaccinated or boosted … It’s a continuation of a troubling trend that has emerged over the past year. In September 2021, vaccinated people made up just 23% of coronavirus fatalities. In January and February this year, it was up to 42%”.

“We can no longer say this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated” … Still “the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention highlights the need to get regular booster shots to keep one’s risk of death from the coronavirus low”, when it’s evident these boosters are not lowering people’s risk of dying from this virus.

(98) WTF: Vaccinated Are Now The Majority of COVID Deaths – YouTube
Convoy Live Timeline – Archive of the Freedom Convoy 2022 Protest Livestreams – Clyde Do Something …

“We can’t let our evidence just disappear. The media hasn’t sopped so we shouldn’t stop telling the truth”. Proves emergency lanes were open unlike what misleading politicians claimed.
Convoy Lawyer Suggests Offensive Flags Were Planted To Slander Protesters – Clyde Do Something …
“JT had his talking points prepared before the convoy arrived … Interesting how PMO office was planning a U.S. style 6th of Jan. narrative for themselves, before the 28th when the Convoy arrived“.

“Why is Justin Trudeau’s Personal Photographer Seem To Be With the Guy At the Protest Who Just Happens to Have a Brand New Confederate Flag?“

(69) Convoy Lawyer Suggests Offensive Flags Were Planted To Slander Protesters. – YouTube
Convoy Lawyer Kicked Out of the Emergencies Act Inquiry – Brendan Miller Makes Public Statement …
“Lawyer Later Allowed Back Into the Inquiry … Gov’t called out for dropping unlawfully redacted documents at the last minute … Civil subordinate that was present in the Inquiry was asked to testify as to what was redacted in the documents … Judge consequently permitted the redactions to be removed”

China’s Xi confronts Trudeau for sharing details of G20 conversation with media …

Leo- We are all in this together unless #trudeaumustgo #chrystiafreeland …
“Trudeau says we are all in this together, that is unless you are a trucker; or unless you are unwilling to accept a medical procedure. A Bureaucratic Oligarchy is developing in our country where gov’t employees are guaranteed paychecks, but citizens in the private sector are losing their jobs. There is an obligation to represent the interest of all Canadians including those that cannot afford the rising cost of food”, or taxing costs to keep these gov’t bureaucrats employed.

(44) Leo- We are all in this together unless #trudeaumustgo #chrystiafreeland – YouTube
Veterans 4 Freedom …
“V4F Ops-SgtMaj, Jeff Evely, is joined by a panel of special guests – the Veterans of the Battle of Ottawa – for a round-table discussion on the #POEC, thus far.”

This Is The End Times – Russell Brand …

“Leaked: New Amazon Worker Chat App Would Ban Words Like “Union”, “Restrooms”, “Pay Raise”, And “Plantation””

“January 2, 2022 – The genocidal Canada corporation government of convicted CEO Justin Trudeau has threatened an International Tribunal that sentenced CEO Justin Trudeau of Crimes against Humanity and Criminal imprisonment without parole, in an attempt to deter the International Tribunal from Enforcement of its lawful sentences against the convicted Canada corporation and convicted CEO Justin Trudeau.
In an unlawful hack by the Canada corporation intended as a threat and intimidation, the following privileged email between a Tribunal Judge of the International Tribunal and its international counsel were unlawfully remotely erased and scrubbed from the Tribunal’s Information Operating System.
Unlawfully Remotely Scrubbed Tribunal Email [Pertinent parts]
“Justin Trudeau is a Luciferian agent of the attempted extermination and co-conspirator with Bill Gates, from whom he has secured Gates-arranged funding for kill-shot extermination of 1/3 of the Canadian population. In the USA, the planned extermination, according to the now-deleted data, is to reduce the US population from 327 million in 2017 to 100 million in 2025.“”
