“According to the transfer payments section of the 2020-2021 Public Accounts of Canada * the WEF received $2,915,095 from Canadian taxpayers.
World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab has previously boasted that he “penetrate(d)” the cabinet of Justin Trudeau and that over half of Trudeau’s cabinet are now members of the WEF.“
Justin Trudeau Caught Funding the World Economic Forum with tax money– The Counter Signal …

Klaus Schwab – We Penetrate The Cabinets …

Covid-19 Vaccines: Safety, 24 Oct 2022 …
“The science behind the vaccines has not been allowed to be challenged.
Given the evidence obtained from vaccine injury suits, why are we vaccinating healthy children who are at minimal risk from covid? Surely that is in breach of the Hippocratic Oath to do no harm.
What about victims that cannot speak about vaccine harm without being accused of being anti-vax?
The pharma companies now admit that vaccination does not impact on transmission.
Did the gov’t know when they mandated the vaccines that they had not been tested to find whether they prevented transmission?
The data shows a strong correlation between vaccine uptake and excess deaths in numerous countries.
Tens of thousands of people more are dying than were expected … Surely we must have an investigation.” …

(579) Covid-19 Vaccines: Safety, 24 Oct 2022 – YouTube
Dr. Paul Marik on Dangers of Spike Protein Buildup—From Inflammation to Autoimmune Disease …
“”Spike protein is probably one of the most toxic proteins the human body has ever seen” … Since vaccinations increase your load of Spike protein the worse thing to do for long covid is to get booster shots … Your load of Spike protein determines the severity of adverse effects including neurological and cardiac events, debilitating fatigue, inflamed organs, blood clotting, and compromised immune systems … The more you get vaccinated the greater your load of Spike protein … 18 months after vaccination or long covid Spike proteins were still found circulating in white cells …”

Lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich – Portugal …
“* November 3rd, 2022 * Reiner Fuellmich … conference to speak about Crimes against Humanity.
At first there were insufficient cases of Covid to declare a Public Health Emergency of International Concern … Setting PCR tests to produce over 90% false positives created enough cases to declare this an International Emergency … Four court decisions declare that these tests cannot be the basis for anything … Lockdowns destroyed small businesses so big tech stores like Amazon were able to take over from them … Paper by Blackrock indicates drastic measures were needed to distract us while they looted our public coffers … Now appreciate the 2nd Amendment in case people have to fight their own “INSTITUTIONS” … Injuries to brain cells from MRNA vaccines have been compared to the effects of lobotomies.” …

UK Parliament Vaccine Debate – Dr. John Campbell …

(634) UK Parliament vaccine debate – YouTube
Tamara Lich Describes the inhumanity of Trudeau’s Mandates – Viva Frei …

(634) Tamara Lich Describes the inhumanity of Trudeau’s Mandates – YouTube

How has Tamara Lich Arrest Affected Her Life – Viva Frei …

(642) How has Tamara Lich Arrest Affected HerLife – YouTube
Trucker Protests – Finally, The TRUTH – Russell Brand …

“Up until Feb. 11th, officials monitoring the situation stated that there were ‘no major incidents’, that ‘no violence took place,’ that ‘disruption to government activities’ was minor,”

“In contrast, key Liberal cabinet members including Mendicino and Prime Minister Trudeau sought to paint the protestors as violent”
(641) Trucker Protests – Finally, The TRUTH – YouTube
Poilievre Calls For The Resignation of Marco Mendicino (Front Page News) … For Lying About the Emergencies Act …

(640) (Front Page News) Poilievre Calls For The Resignation of Marco Mendicino – YouTube
Risk benefit analysis – Dr. John Campbell …

(730) Risk benefit analysis – YouTube
Paul Kingsnorth: Why I changed sides in the vaccine wars …
Creating improved Democratic Constitutions might help the various Freedom groups to focus on what they have in common, and save them from suffering any further for their differences.

“Politicians justified their authoritarian overreach, vaccine passports, and extended lockdowns, by proclaiming we have to protect lives; right?
You can justify almost anything by proclaiming that, even social platforms ‘wrongfully’ shutting down conversations; or legacy media deliberately propagating the government’s side of the story.
The way this is being managed through the vaccine as a techno-fix, through authoritarian mandates and digital QR passports; leads us towards a Chinafication of the west. Where, we are basically walking into a social credit score system” that will forever restrict our freedom.
(479) Paul Kingsnorth: Why I changed sides in the vaccine wars – YouTube
Myocarditis, good news – Dr. John Campbell …
Studies show vaccinated young men are at greater risks of suddenly dying from heart issues, whereas unvaccinated young men are not facing these higher risks of sudden death from catching covid.

(559) Myocarditis, good news – YouTube
“Lots more may give their youtube business to “rumble.com” now, considering this WHO is proving more detrimental than helpful in matters of World Health. They still negligently disregard lethal spike protein overloads following vaccines, which demonstrates they are more power hungry politicians than trustworthy medical experts” …


Mandate debate parliament hill Ottawa – This Guy’s Garage …

Encouraging high infection rate – Dr. John Campbell …
“By mid Feb. 2020 more than 70% of the studied population tested positive for covid, meaning they had been infected and developing immunity; which left them less likely to be hospitalized or die.“
WBW believes hospitalizations may have dropped as a result of this natural immunity, but the increase in hospitalizations from vaccine injuries may be masking how much.

(656) Encouraging high infection rate – YouTube
Trudeau is hoping you won’t notice, and it might be too late | Redacted with Clayton Morris …

“Canada’s broadcasting regulator confirms proposed online censorship bill will apply to user-generated content”
