It is one thing to expect voters to accept the snobbish attitudes of their Politicians, but it is not O.K. to expect them to accept their disregard for the law.

It is time to stop wasting taxes on non-essential Public services.

Contracts with current government administrations is breaking down, where:

  • Their services like emergency care, safe schools, municipal security, etc., have further deteriorated since this Covid crisis;
  • Taxpayers can no longer afford to retain public employees that are not essential, because of the massive job loss that accompanied this crisis.

It would be negligent to increase taxes to retain these non-essential employees, as this would allow authorities to penalize people that cannot afford these further tax seizures.

Jobs like audits that are duplicated by Federal and Provincial employees could be eliminated, as immense taxes would be saved by defunding similar offices that needlessly duplicate tasks. 

There could be a distinct split between Federal and Provincial assignments, so taxpayers would not have to keep paying for work that is needlessly repeated.

Every civil position could be examined for necessity and to help discharge agents that act negligently, like:

  • Federal authorities that leave unlawful Ministers in positions to keep acting unethically;
  • Municipal security that negligently free offensive landowners without penalties.

Companies may help confirm that these redundant agents cost too much to retain, considering the soaring taxes spent on their salaries.  

Ministers negligently put taxpayers in increasing debt by not stopping needless salary hikes to Parliament members (especially those prorogued), while this debt was escalating from EI benefits to the growing jobless.

Only those in need deserve automatic pay increases. Public employees are expected to earn their rewards like most folks, and to accept that acting lawfully is a must to keep their jobs.

Forms following this post can be submitted to help stop wasting taxes on retaining these negligent Ministers, particularly those that did not stop colleagues from receiving these pay hikes while they continued to act unethically.  

Supposedly, Parliament members did not save people from being overtaxed with their salary increases; because they were not considered essential workers at the time. Inexplicably, they did not save these taxpayers when they were no longer prorogued; regardless of how much worse needless debt this causes.   

Remodeling Federal Services to Stop Mounting Overreach and Debt
The above list is under editing since increasing oppressive mandates let taxpayers see what further changes appear necessary.
Feel free to comment on what further changes may stop this mounting overreach and debt.
Enter "responders@whybutwhy.com" if restricted by "court gaggings" or other measures from leaving your own.

Help Stop Politicians from Acting Unethically
So please leave your thoughts to help stop wasting taxes on retaining these high-ranking offenders.
Enter "responders@whybutwhy.com" if not free to leave your own, due to "court gaggings" or other restrictions.

The following forms are also provided to help stop similar offenses:

Dismissing Officials that Employ Unjust Police
So, please leave your thoughts to help stop wasting taxes on retaining these high-ranking offenders.
Considering so called "court gaggings" force hoards to remain unknown, to avoid punishment for speeking freely about the abusive treatment they received.

Dismissing Officials that Enforce Undemocratic Rules
So please leave your thoughts to help stop wasting taxes on retaining these offensive Politicians.

Help Defund Negligent Superior Syndics
So, please leave your thoughts to help stop wasting taxes on retaining these high-ranking offenders.
Enter "responders@whybutwhy.com" if forced to remain anonymous by so called "court gaggings" or similar restrictions.

Dismissing Officials that Diminish Education Services
So please leave your thoughts to help stop wasting taxes on retaining these offensive Politicians.
Since hoards must remain unknown because of so called "court gaggings" that forbid them to speak freely, about the abusive treatment they received from high-ranking persons.

Dismissing Officials that Diminish Emergency Services
So please leave your thoughts to help stop wasting taxes on retaining these offensive Politicians.
Since hoards must remain unknown because of so called "court gaggings" that forbid them to speak freely, about the abusive treatment they received from high-ranking persons.

Revoking Parliamentary Retirements for Overtaxing People
So please leave your thoughts to help stop wasting taxes on these negligent Politicians.
Where sharing Media is preferred to help stop uncivil treatment, instead of facing increasing terror in rallies to demonstrate against it.

Using Ballot Routines to Dismiss Offensive Politicians
So please leave your thoughts to help get rid of these high-ranking offenders, until these ballot routines are available to help dismiss them.
Where sharing media is preferred to help stop uncivil treatment, instead of facing increasing terror in rallies to demonstrate against it.
Using Complaint Systems Against Politicians
Please leave your thoughs to help stop wasting taxes on retaining these uncivil Officials.
Since it takes a village to stop their misconduct, which includes producing forms that show enough folks want to fire them for it.

Permitting Penal Systems to Charge Civil Servants
Where sharing media is preferred to help stop uncivil treatment, instead of facing increasing terror in rallies to demonstrate against it.