Better to Talk about Your Issues Instead of Doing Nothing about Them

Surviving supporters use this reminder to help them keep matters under control.

Tell your loved ones that your cocktails cannot be suddenly taken away, because withdrawal must to be clinically supervised; as overwhelming numbers die from drastic developments during this detox process.

Given, medical clinics are ill equipped to help many survive this deadly withdrawal; suddenly taking away these cocktails without this medical assistance is proving more fatal than good.

These survivors believe it helps to talk about your issues, and suggest that those developing harmful habits from stressful circumstances:

  • Thank friends that try to help them overcome dire problems, because it takes a village to defeat them;
  • Understand that group support helps those battling similar despair, when few continue to care about their survival;
  • Appreciate those that keep trying to help them, because it takes overwhelming support to battle grave matters;
  • Believe that talking about your fears helps to keep resulting problems under control.

They also believe it helps to save time for tranquility, because of the turmoil that usually comes with stressful circumstances; so they try to keep the following routine:

  • Take two day off per week to do nothing but what you wish;
  • Spend roughly 6 hours per day on each thing listed below (when it is not your days off):
    • Sleep;
    • Feed and entertain yourself (i.e. tackle your bucket list);
    • Work on the jobs you must get done (so called your pile of crap);
    • Work at taking care of your health and ones that support you.

They recognize that overindulgence usually leads to pain killers, and so appreciate friends that help control their lethal love to keep this up.

They thank those that help battle harmful problems, because they usually frighten villagers into hiding; which leaves little support to defeat them.

So dear one, do not mourn the loss of anyone that acts habitually cruel (even family members); just thank those that help control your drinking to deaden the pain from it.

Still, please stay mindful of social dictates as internet police do not let volatile content pass without notice.
Thanks to Hubsview for funding psychological services for SOAA (Survivors of Abusive Authorities).