Fearful of Being Forced to Separate and Live in a Worse Police State

Quebec citizens never know what additional enforcement they will wake up to, where their countrymen are not forced to obey more and more of these cops.

One morning it’s the Education police that take away their rights to school their children in English. Only to face more cops after paying for private schooling to regain these rights, that forbid them to teach critical subjects in this language.

The student failures resulting from being forced to learn critical data in an unknown language, causes parents untold costs for repeat schooling to make up for this unjust enforcement.

Worse, these folks are forced to pay the additional taxes required to keep these despicable police in force.

Another day it’s the Language police that take away their rights to work if they do not speak French, only to be harassed by more cops if businesses are willing to hire them for just a desk job.

These people have little chance of gaining employment outside their homes while these police are in force. Sadly, they will also be able to find less and less repairmen that understand them, while these police can prevent those that speak their language from working.  

Another morning it’s the Religion police set to punish them for wearing religious articles to work. Thankfully, voting was allowed before they could be employed and the Officials responsible for devising them were fired. The tax savings from not being forced to retain this further unjust enforcement is an added bonus.

These Officials that devised these further cops to restrict religious rights deserve imprisonment, for inciting unrest and leaving these people fearful of being thrust into a worse police state; where voting could not take place.

Another morning it’s the Label police that take away their rights to purchase their countrymen’s products, if they cannot afford to change their labels to include French translation.

The Officials that retain these extra cops prioritize the policing of these labels, above ensuring the safety of these products. They could be fired for this negligence if it ever shows that enough of these countrymen agree with dismissing them for it.

Now it’s the Marijuana police that take away their rights to grow garden pot, when their countrymen are not forced to fork over extra additional taxes for this unjust enforcement either.  

These people are forced to pay for this weed regardless that their countrymen are not, because of the parliamentary benefits that are raked in from making them pay for it; and the heaping profits from charging them for growing it on their own.  

These Officials should not only be fired for forcing citizens to obey their undemocratic rules, they should lose their parliamentary retirements for inciting unrest; with the taxing employment of these innumerable unjust cops.

These folks are naturally fearful that these Officials:

  • May soon employ enough of these formidable police to force them to separate;
  • Turn them into homeless refugees if they want to remain under democratic leadership.   

To save these people from being forced to obey these despicable authorities, the following can be submitted to help fire Officials that keep them employed. Hopefully, it will soon show that enough of these countrymen agree with dismissing them; for acting this formidably.

Dismissing Officials that Employ Unjust Police
So, please leave your thoughts to help stop wasting taxes on retaining these high-ranking offenders.
Considering so called "court gaggings" force hoards to remain unknown, to avoid punishment for speeking freely about the abusive treatment they received.


Dismissing Officials that Enforce Undemocratic Rules
So please leave your thoughts to help stop wasting taxes on retaining these offensive Politicians.
Still, please stay mindful of social dictates as internet police do not let volatile content pass without notice.
Thanks to Hubsview for funding psychological services for SOAA (Survivors of Abusive Authorities).

Fostering Volunteer groups that monitor Town halls with help from sponsored Media, so Officials can be dismissed when they disregard Citizen’s interests.