Begging the Law to Stop letting Lawyers Abuse Victims

Victims are often forced to leave people at risk of their assailants and give up on justice, from the unending costs to defend themselves against their Assailant’s lawyers that charge them with nonstop despicable lies. Which cruelly bankrupts victims before they can complete the court requirements for Judges to help in any way.

Because of so called “court gaggings” that force victims to protect the names of their assailants, hereafter Asslyers means assailant’s lawyers; and Survims means surviving victims.

More cruelly, unlawful authorities let these Asslyers get away with forever disobeying court deadlines; which lets them take as long as they like to bankrupt victims with these never-ending charges. Worse:

Lethal Attorneys desert victims so they can get away with letting these violating tactics carry on;
More Corrupt Authorities cut off communications with victims so they can get away with letting these massive injustices carry on;
Immoral Officials ignore pleas to stop these crimes so they can get away with letting them carry on.

The following tells how anonymous Survims were forced to give up on justice because of these criminal assaults, and what they learned that could stop them from carrying on.

These Survims were over $100,000.00 in debt from these nonstop charges to defend themselves against these Asslyers, and going on ten years of begging for justice against their assailants; when their Attorneys deserted them. Lethally, this made sure they got away with letting these illegal tactics carry on, and left the court requirements incomplete for a Judge to help in any way.

Syndic Authorities over lawyers cut off these Survim’s requests for protection against these unending violations. Repulsively, this made sure they got away with letting these crimes carry on, since it cut off evidence from showing they were acting this corruptly.

Superior lawmen over Syndics gave these Survims a fraction of the time usually allowed, to prove that uncivil treatment was provided. Then, unmercifully claimed these endless court charges and disobeyed deadlines showed inadequate evidence that this protection was needed; and let these criminal tactics carry on.

Although these Survims were warned that these hideous Syndics would not protect them, they were still shocked to learn that their Superiors behaved just as brutally.

These Survims begged Officials to make these Syndic lawmen protect them against this never-ending abuse. These Officials sinfully ignored their pleas and let these despicable violations carry on. Which left the expression “Politicians paving highways to escape” a horrid sight to see.

These Survims were forced to give up on justice and “gagged with threats of worse legal punishment”, if they did not protect the names of their assailants; before these Asslyers would stop their unlawful assaults. Since this enforces them to leave people at risk of their assailants, they beg legislators to abolish these “gaggings” that heap deadly injustices on top of heinous treatment.

Since Officials cannot be fired for letting crimes carry on until evidence shows they are ignoring requests to stop them, it is necessary to remove these Syndics that cut off this evidence; so they cannot get away with acting this immorally.

These Survims saw from their training that immense taxes would be saved, by replacing these Syndics with advanced protection that automatically charge offensive advocates; since they cannot be trusted to do so.

They also saw that considerable sharing of this issued post will show enough support to make Officials provide this protection, since this kind of evidence cannot be cut off; and they could be dismissed for withholding it once this considerable sharing takes place

More beneficially, replacing this heinous enforcement could save countless hoards from being forced to give up on justice; and keep the ones that retaliate in horrifying ways from escalating.

Although these Survims are sworn to respectfully show where infinite taxes are thrown away, on brutal services that cause compensations from civil suits to erupt; they get why it’s tagged “public servants causing more harm than good”.

Officials will Likely Stop Letting Lawyers Abuse Victims, once this considerable sharing shows enough support to fire them for withholding this protection; including:

Automatically charging lawyers like everyone else for disobeying court deadlines, since assigned enforcement cannot be trusted to do so;
Terminating authorities if their overdue jobs show they neglected to punish offensive advocates;
Computerizing penal assignments so officers cannot get away with ignoring their duties;
Providing ballot routines to dismiss Ministers for letting this corrupt conduct carry on.

Judges will be warned of dishonest lawyers once they can be penalized like everyone else for disobeying court deadlines.

Officers will not get away with neglecting their tasks, as computerizing these assignments will let regular penal systems take over and charge them for this gross misconduct.

Authorities will not get away with ignoring their duties once they can be automatically penalized for this criminal behavior.

Sinful Officials can be gotten rid of once these ballot routines are initiated against them for letting these violations carry on. Income tax systems could process votes to discharge them, since they are secured to register any matters about employment.

Monumental fines are overdue against negligent authorities, since current laws permit them to be charged for every assignment they disregarded over the last three years.

Worries about increasing taxes may be eliminated for untold years, as this income from these overdue fines could be that vast. Plus, these infinite taxes would be saved by firing these countless mobs that neglected their duties during this time.

Secure ballots to remove reprehensible Politicians can be registered at any time by using these secure tax systems. Voting does not have to be an extravagant process that can only take place every four years, with no way to stop them from seizing lifelong parliamentary benefits no matter how unmercifully they behaved.

Crooks go where the money is and heaps of confiscated taxes attract them like flies. Unfortunately, they also like to work in this country because of these corrupt lawmen that make sure their illegal operations are not stopped.

Crooked Officials may have made it nearly impossible to punish them, even when they have been caught stealing hordes of these confiscated taxes. However, they might prefer to operate in another country since this considerable sharing will also show enough support; to charge them for every job they ignored over the last three years.

Representatives will likely Stop this Abusive justice since this considerable sharing will additionally show enough support, to:

Fine them for disregarding zero tolerance against offensive behavior;
Dismiss them for not making sure delinquent authorities were directly charged, where it shows their Superiors neglect to do so;
Cancel their parliamentary benefits for not making sure unlawful advocates were automatically penalized, where it shows similar dishonest officers cannot be trusted to do so.

This Site Respects the Anonymity of Followers. Regrettably, the identities of these monstrous assailants must be protected until these heinous “gaggings and threats” are outlawed. The names of these immoral Authorities can be provided when considered necessary, since this protection does not extend to them.