Since Politicians Are Not Above the Law

People may be fed up with how offensively Officials are acting and want to fire the worst ones, as taxes may not need to be increased for untold years; once folks are no longer forced to pay for their soaring Parliamentary benefits.

Politicians can hire innumerable agents that blindly follow their orders, for as long as they can hike taxes to employ them. Unfortunately, they are hiring countless cops to restrict people’s rights; like those that:

  • Restrict non-bilingual citizens from accepting employment;
  • Restrict minorities from being taught in the Official language of their choice;
  • Punish Quebec citizens if they grow weed in their home gardens;
  • Restrict price competition in businesses they take over, like gas stations, liquor stores, and marijuana outlets.  

Apparently, they intend to employ more of these cops to punish people for wearing religious apparel to work; regardless of how high taxes must be raised to arm them.     

The forms following this post are provided to help stop wasting taxes on retaining these worst Officials, especially those that employ these unjust police.

Help discharge these offensive authorities by submitting any of the forms below called, Dismissing Officials that Employ Unjust Police, Dismissing Officials that Enforce Undemocratic Rules; or Help Replace Negligent Superior Syndics.


Help get rid of these hindrances by submitting either of the forms below named, Dismissing Officials that Diminish Education Services; or Dismissing Officials that Reduce Emergency Services.


  • Increase their Parliamentary benefits while they cut these vital services, as this is overtaxing people to benefit themselves;
  • Spend more to secure their Parliamentary retirements than they do to improve Welfare services, as this is putting their welfare above others.

Help cancel the Parliamentary bonuses of those acting this self-serving, by submitting the form below named Revoking Parliamentary Retirements for Overtaxing People.


  • Break promises to increase people’s pensions that have additional income seized from investment returns, while they make use of it to secure their Parliamentary retirements; as this is further overtaxing others to benefit themselves.

Help stop these additional seizures of people’s income, and refund those that did not receive this pension compensation as promised; by submitting the form below named “Removing Unmerciful Investment Taxes”.


  • Leave spending of tax funds inadequately monitored while increasing theft of them goes on, as this enables this growing theft to get worse.

Help equip monitoring systems to better protect these taxes, by submitting the form below named Help Penalize Public Agents for Grand Theft.


Help equip Justice systems to dismiss those behaving this negligently, by submitting any of the forms before called Permitting Penal Systems to Charge Offensive Civil Servants, Using Ballot Routines to Dismiss Offensive Politicians; or Using Complaint Systems Against Politicians.

CONCERNING INJURIOUS HEALTH CARE, especially Officials that:

  • Let harmful doctors keep operating while soaring taxes are spent to pay off lawsuits against them, as this enables them to keep harming people;
  • Leave negligent authorities in charge of physicians that let them criminally alter patient’s records, with the excuse that these crimes are religious customs to save face; as this puts these harmful felons above the law.

Help replace these negligent authorities with better protection against these criminal doctors, by submitting the form named Help Stop Harmful Surgeons from Operating. This form also means to help dismiss Officials that subject people to this ongoing harm.


  • Leave negligent authorities in charge of Lawyers that let them endlessly disobey court deadlines and harass victims about wasting the court’s resources, as this puts these abusive advocates above the law;
  • Let these unlawful lawyers take away victim’s rights to speak freely about these criminal offenders, through so called “court gaggings” when they can no longer afford the legal costs to withstand their harassment.

Help replace these negligent authorities with better protection against these crooked lawyers, by submitting the form below named Help Stop Corrupt Lawyers from Abusing Victims.

Help return these victim’s rights to speak freely by submitting the form below, named Outlawing Court Gaggings to Stop Criminal Injustice.

Although the following forms are available to help stop wasting taxes on retaining these worst offenders, they may remain employed until it shows that enough folks agree with firing them; since little legal means is provided to stop their uncivil treatment.

Dismissing Officials that Employ Unjust Police
So, please leave your thoughts to help stop wasting taxes on retaining these high-ranking offenders.
Considering so called "court gaggings" force hoards to remain unknown, to avoid punishment for speeking freely about the abusive treatment they received.

Dismissing Officials that Enforce Undemocratic Rules
So please leave your thoughts to help stop wasting taxes on retaining these offensive Politicians.

Help Defund Negligent Superior Syndics
So, please leave your thoughts to help stop wasting taxes on retaining these high-ranking offenders.
Enter "" if forced to remain anonymous by so called "court gaggings" or similar restrictions.

Dismissing Officials that Diminish Education Services
So please leave your thoughts to help stop wasting taxes on retaining these offensive Politicians.
Since hoards must remain unknown because of so called "court gaggings" that forbid them to speak freely, about the abusive treatment they received from high-ranking persons.

Dismissing Officials that Diminish Emergency Services
So please leave your thoughts to help stop wasting taxes on retaining these offensive Politicians.
Since hoards must remain unknown because of so called "court gaggings" that forbid them to speak freely, about the abusive treatment they received from high-ranking persons.

Revoking Parliamentary Retirements for Overtaxing People
So please leave your thoughts to help stop wasting taxes on these negligent Politicians.
Where sharing Media is preferred to help stop uncivil treatment, instead of facing increasing terror in rallies to demonstrate against it.

Removing Unmerciful Investment Taxes
Since it is easier to dismiss them for this uncivil treatment if enough folks show they agree with firing them for it; please leave your thoughts to help stop wasting taxes on retaining these unmerciful Politicians.
Considering hoards are forced to remain anonymous because of so called "court gaggings" that forbid them, to speak freely about similar mistreatment.

Help Discharge Public Employees for Grand Theft
Please leave your thoughts to help stop wasting taxes on retaining these abusive employees, since they can be fired if enough folks show they agree with dismissing them for it.
Where sharing Media is preferred to help stop uncivil treatment, instead of facing increasing terror in rallies to demonstrate against it.

Permitting Penal Systems to Charge Civil Servants
Where sharing media is preferred to help stop uncivil treatment, instead of facing increasing terror in rallies to demonstrate against it.

Using Ballot Routines to Dismiss Offensive Politicians
So please leave your thoughts to help get rid of these high-ranking offenders, until these ballot routines are available to help dismiss them.
Where sharing media is preferred to help stop uncivil treatment, instead of facing increasing terror in rallies to demonstrate against it.

Using Complaint Systems Against Politicians
Please leave your thoughs to help stop wasting taxes on retaining these uncivil Officials.
Since it takes a village to stop their misconduct, which includes producing forms that show enough folks want to fire them for it.

Help Stop Harmful Surgeons from Operating
Since it takes a village to stop their mistreatment, which includes producing forms that show enough people want to get rid of them for it.

Help Stop Corrupt Lawyers from Abusing Victims
So victims are not forced to leave the courts without justice, when they can no longer afford these bankrupting costs to make them obey these deadlines.
So, please leave your thoughts to help stop wasting taxes on these high ranking offenders.
Enter "" if not comfortable with providing your own.

Outlawing "Court Gaggings" that Take Away Freedom of Speech
So please leave your thoughts to help stop wasting taxes, on keeping these unlawful court appointees.
Enter "" if forced to remain anonymous, by so called "court gaggings" or similar restrictions.