Kim Iversen: ”Ukraine Will Be Wrecked.” OMINOUS Warnings Of NATO-Provoked War Given For DECADES …

Wellington anti mandates Protest – Police peppersprayed their own officer …

DeSantis rejects Biden’s pleas for state National Guard assistance …

Police Refuse to Give Instruction or Tell Us How to Stay Safe …
I like her! …
General Assembly vote on Ukraine | United Nations (2 March 2022) …

General Assembly President following the vote on Ukraine …

We’re Not Allowed To Discuss This – Russell Brand …

Australia News on the Wellington Protest and Jacinda – Sky News …

What does trying to save face look like?…
“New Zealand High Court Ends Jacinda Ardern’s Vaccine Mandate: “It’s a Gross Violation of Human Rights”…
Robby Soave: SOTU Proved COVID Theater Is A SICK JOKE …

Day 23 NZ Freedom Village Update …

First major Ukrainian city falls as Russia attacks intensify – BBC News
People’s convoy travels through NH to support vaccine choice …

Brian Peckford explains the immense power that the Prime Minister’s Office wields today! …

Brian Peckford explains why lawyers won’t take cases challenging pandemic policies …

Ukraine Invasion: Putin says the ‘worst is yet to come’ – Sky News …

Tamara Lich Bail Hearing & She’s STILL DETAINED – Viva Frei …

Ottawa Trucker Protest an “Illegal Occupation”? Not According to the Court! Viva Frei Clip

The West’s response to Russia & Ukraine FINALLY makes sense …

Fire breaks out at Europe’s largest nuclear power plant during Russian siege – FOX News …

Biden May be a wolf in sheep’s clothing …
Mark Dolan: I never want to be forced to wear a mask again …

Putin Will Lose, Here’s Why …

Have the public lost trust in the media? …
Ron DeSantis causes ‘Twitter storm’ following ‘COVID theatre’ claim …

Putin, Biden, Trudeau Enjoy Clean Beds While Children Walk for Miles for their Lives …
Worse, Democratic leaders trample Constitutional freedoms while they employ armed forces to assault their countrymen.
Threats of Referendums may help increase the policing of politicians, and cap their salaries to keep away crooks that just want to grab People’s tax money …
They Want This To Go Away – Russell Brand …

ALERT: Canadian Senators Debating UNIVERSAL BASIC INCOME Legislation …

Quebec Canada Freedom chaine humaine levis 2km …
Large Trucker Convoy Reaches D.C. Outskirts …

‘People’s Convoy’ arrives at Maryland, their last stop before DC …

Need as Many Sites Broadcasting the Facts as there are Channels Supporting Political Overreach to Save Democracies that Must Watch War Raged on Ukrainians …
Showing evidence that people do not want Politicians to control their lives may eventually stop them, so folks need to share how much they are against political overreach; and insist that most legislation passed during covid needs to be repealed …
“The People’s Convoy” arrives in D.C. 🇺🇸 Amazing! 🚚 🚛 3/4/2022

Part 3. The Big Picture. Just an old Canadian trucker …

More on Just an old Canadian trucker …
Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo 3/6/22 Today | FOX BREAKING NEWS March 6, 22
Ivermectin in Florida and Brazil …
DeSantis Highlights Lower Profile For Dr. Fauci …

Canada Threatens to Revoke Travel Privileges …

Ep. 103: Russia/Ukraine, Canada, Popcorn Acquittal, SCOTUS & Snooop Dogg & MORE! Viva & Barnes LIVE!

Fri. March 11,2022
Defunding Trudeau’s Media – Charging Banks and Authorities for Aiding his Party’s Unlawful Search and Seizures …
Privatizing Education so Schools Must Answer to Parents …
Privatizing Health Care so Doctors Must Answer to Patients …
Florida, no childhood vaccinations – Dr. John Campbell …

Dr. John Campbell … The Pfizer documents …

The Pfizer documents – YouTube
Courts ordered the release of these papers which doctors will have to show patients, in order to obtain their informed consent for further booster shots. Data suggests that a “one size fits all” vaccination campaign was never scientific, and natural immunity must be determined on an individual basis before any further boosters can be recommended.
Canada’s NDP/LIBERAL coalition was not elected into power; so people should not be forced to obey their unsolicited enactments.
The Liberals were facing a vote of non-confidence over their abuse of power in the name of “Emergency measures”, if the NDP leader had not sanctioned their armed assaults against convoy supporters.
The Federal courts may have to admit they stopped working, since they are letting crooks escape punishment same as the Liberals; with the excuse that people are allowed to act like their leaders. Crime may not be contained if these courts are not replaced with less negligent bodies …
The Liberals continue to jail freedom organizers as this helps to make it look like they are a threat to Canada’s national security, and saves Trudeau from having to admit his Emergency measures were uncalled for. If this party admits these organizers are of no great threat, then they could face imprisonment for subduing political prisoners.
Federal leaders wonder why citizens want to withhold their Federal taxes until only a small Federal body remains to handle International affairs, and an even smaller body remains to handle inter-provincial matters. These leaders may be able to use mounted troops to force people to obey them, but not if taxpayers withheld the money needed to mount these forces.
Supposedly Nova Scotia was the third highest donators to the Freedom Convoy, and the loudest voice that is trying to save Democratic Freedoms is from NFLD. Remember that it is in the Liberals best interests to pit Canadians against Canadians, whether it be by insinuating they are anti-vaxers or by calling them “the East”. The Maritimes are likely to welcome the Convoy with open arms, not send out the RCMP to trample them like the Liberals.
It appears that the Liberals have given subsidized media outlets immunity from prosecution for slander while they remain in power. Once the Liberals are gone, a list of those that slandered people on their behalf may be charged. Sadly, it’s expected that those on this list are not sworn journalists or they would fear the loss of their credentials.
Thank you to the Canadian patriots, citizen journalists, and all the parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles who stood in defense of our children’s future. And thank you Truckers.
What Happened in Ottawa? | Freedom Convoy 2022 Documentary – YouTube
How about the world agree to give these WEF Politicians the moon and let them travel there free of charge, to test the effects of their World Economic Plans? They can always phone home if they must …
Combining the many Anti World Forum groups (AWF) that are developing to oppose the Great Reset may be needed, as there is strength in numbers. Otherwise, this Reset may eventually abolish democratic freedoms. The efforts of these AWF groups to save democracies may prove more successful, if supporters broadcasted this unity until AWF was seen more often than WEF everywhere. So, please understand why this ends with “Proud AWF Supporter”.
P.S. The messaging of these Great politicians could be turned against them by copying the platforms they push, and calling them near identical names. Meaning, the Great Reset becomes the Reset 2.0 and just encompasses an apology for the propaganda pushed by the original …