Asking Politicians Where Our Marijuana Profits are Going

We will likely have to accept that heaps of this money will be stolen before it reaches it’s destination, but we still deserve to know who gets to spend it.

Representatives tell citizens they are getting involved in former illegal trades because heaps of profits will come from it, but keep the destiny of this money unknown so they cannot suggest better ways to safeguard it.

Supposedly, we have to accept this grand theft and Justice systems that fail to punish the corrupt agents; because they have insufficient resources to penalize them for it.

Help show you agree on dismissing Representatives that are not funding these systems with parts of these marijuana profits, so officers cannot escape punishment for this corrupt behavior.

Submitting the following will help show enough agree on firing them for this negligent behavior. Otherwise, people will have to keep these corrupt Politicians employed; until these systems are equipped to show this form of consent:

Help Discharge Public Employees for Grand Theft
Please leave your thoughts to help stop wasting taxes on retaining these abusive employees, since they can be fired if enough folks show they agree with dismissing them for it.
Where sharing Media is preferred to help stop uncivil treatment, instead of facing increasing terror in rallies to demonstrate against it.

Fostering Volunteers that monitor Town halls with help from sponsored Media, so Officials cannot escape punishment for disregarding Citizen’s interests.