It seems that we can relax our fears about losing Sis in the battle against her addiction, as our wishes for this kind of miracle have come true.

Thankfully, she has begun to understand that this battle cannot be won without her; and it paid off to remind her that it could not be 1000 times.

She is trying to follow a routine to control her anxiety and keep down the drama, because she is starting to care about living again; and it paid off to remind her that she should care 1000 times.

She is learning how to avoid dreadful situations that leave her drinking compulsively to handle them. This is a slow process because it involves being more truthful. However, she is trying by:

  • Admitting to her mother that she was unable to stay sober for any great length of time;
  • Promising that she would drink as little as possible during their visits together, to avoid mindless drinking from the dread of tackling them sober;
  • Accepting that she would be thrown out of any gatherings if she appeared drunk.

This more truthful approach to her survival began following reminders that:

“Victims slowly regain their abilities to face more with less anxiety and pain killers, as they learn how to avoid dreadful situations that leave them over medicating to handle them.”.

Plans for her to face an upcoming holiday without alcohol left her exceedingly anxious, and drinking more lethally from the dread of tackling it sober.

This lethal drinking that is resulting from this dreaded holiday could kill her before it takes place. So, more reminders follow here.

“Tell your loved ones that your cocktails cannot be suddenly taken away, because withdrawal must be clinically supervised; as overwhelming numbers die from drastic developments during this detox process.

Given, medical clinics are ill equipped to help many survive this deadly withdrawal; suddenly taking away these cocktails without this medical assistance is proving more fatal than good.”

If she survives this lethal drinking that is resulting from this dreaded holiday, and manages to show up in some way; then please stay mindful that:

“Victims may appear hungover during any sudden detox, as withdrawal symptoms are often mistaken as such; and need emergency services to survive drastic developments from this deadly process.”.

She understands that seeing a psychologist could help everyone concerned. However, leaving her anxious about facing one will likely cause more of this lethal drinking to handle it.

More return to help Sis defeat her addiction, because she stopped sniping at them and started to care about their dread of losing her.

She is beginning to understand that they are in the battle with her, and kindly relieving their worries about burying her from losing it.

She is better at recognizing so called “approaching storms” that lead to rock bottoms. Gravely, she recently experienced three tragic losses that naturally led to one.

Thankfully, she survived this rock bottom and is better at recognizing these approaching storms. However, she will likely have to suffer through more of them; before she learns how to avoid them at bottomless costs.

Since surviving supporters believe it helps to save time for tranquility, because of the turmoil that usually accompanies stressful happenings; their following routine remains in play:

  • Spend roughly 6 hours per day on each thing listed below (except for two days a week to do as you please):
    • Sleep;
    • Feed and entertain yourself (i.e. tackle your bucket list);
      • Where Sis could try to regain her enjoyment to ride;
    • Work on the jobs you must get done (so called your pile of crap);
      • Where Sis could try to finish her income taxes, and find babysitting for her pet;
    • Work at taking care of your health and ones that support you; where Sis could try to quit her sniping and clean behind her pet.

Unfortunately, her tendency to be unforgiving and hold grudges will likely keep her from enjoying many good times, regardless of whether she cares about living again.

Her further tendency to be selfish and save herself from suffering, regardless of how much pain this causes other; will likely also leave her mostly unhappy no matter how long she survives.

“Reminder to survivors of THE 1000 STEPS TO RECOVERY:


So, it helps to constantly remind them that recovery support is available to get them through it.”

Still, please stay mindful of social dictates as internet police do not let volatile content pass without notice.
Thanks to Hubsview for funding psychological services for SOAA (Survivors of Abusive Authorities).